What are orthopedic dog beds? Drs. Foster and Smith offers the following description:
Built to protect aged or ailing joints, orthopedic beds provide maximum support with medical-grade foam and/or box spring construction. In this category you'll find a mix of bolsters, mats, nests, and traditional beds that our doctors recommend for older or arthritic pets.
The supportive foam is really helpful for my dog. He looks more comfortable and certainly doesn't "clunk" at bedtime. A good orthopedic bed is an investment, but it is well worth it for the way it helps senior dogs' ailing joints.
In general, I believe every dog should have his own bed. My dog now has 4 beds, each residing in different rooms. He has always preferred his dog bed over the couch. Although sometimes he jumps on my bed, when it comes to night bedtime he prefers his own bed. It's something of his own, and a place he can rest comfortably.
Research different types of dog beds so you are sure to get the style that best suits your dog.
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